I’ve always liked the idea of gender reveal cakes – cakes with a gender-neutral outside but with pink or blue icing inside – as a fun way to learn a baby’s gender. At the same time, I wanted to know the gender of my baby the first moment I saw the positive sign on the pregnancy test. I knew I could not wait; I need to plan and prepare. The nursery needs to be finalized and adorable little clothes need to be ready well in advance. So at my second ultrasound we found out what gender our baby is. I know I’m no fun. I could have gotten the answer in an envelope and given it to a baker and found out that way. But I just could NOT wait!
So, I decided to make my CO-WORKERS wait. They got the news in a clever, fun, and delicious way. I looked through the Wilton website and decided to make banana cupcakes with a cream cheese icing. I chose pink and blue polka dot baking cups so my co-workers could guess the baby’s gender and be on Team Pink or Team Blue.
I made the cupcake batter following the easy recipe instructions and filled the baking cups. After baking, I let the cupcakes cool on a cooling grid while I made the cream cheese icing.
I divided the icing in thirds. Using the toothpick method, I colored one portion the mystery ‘baby’ color (Rose or Pink Icing Color for a girl or Sky Blue or Royal Blue Icing Color for a boy.) I filled a disposable decorating bag with the mystery color icing and filled the centers of the cupcakes using decorating tip 230.
Using the remaining white icing in a disposable decorating bag and decorating tip 1M, I used the swirl technique to cover the tops of the cupcakes. Then as a neutral decoration and extra flavor, I put some caramel topping in a disposable decorating bag and cut the very end off and drizzled it onto the tops of the cupcakes.
With all my co-workers gathered round, everyone chose a pink cupcake for Team Pink or a blue cupcake for Team Blue and guessed our baby’s gender.
Then finally, the big moment to reveal the baby’s gender had come. Biting into the cupcakes, everyone found out at once…it’s a…GIRL!!!!
My co-workers and I were so excited. It was such a fun way to reveal the gender of our baby. For more baby gender reveal ideas, please browse through Wilton’s collection of reveal ideas to find the one that is perfect for your celebration.