Hello! My name is Sasha Nary, and I am a self-taught baker, cake decorator and creator of @sashacakeschicago on Instagram. I am beyond excited to share this festive and fun donut birthday cake project with you! 

This is a great project for everyone, regardless of whether you’re a beginner at baking and decorating or a real seasoned pro! The Wilton Donut Pan and Candy Melts candy makes it very easy to create not only delicious, but also some seriously stunning and unique-looking donuts!

Note: Be sure to bake, cool and decorate your donuts one day before decorating your cake to allow time for them to fully set with all decorative elements.


  1. Spray the donut pan with non-stick spray; fill the cavities with 2 teaspoons of batter. Bake at 328° F for 15-20 minutes. Donuts will be fully baked when an inserted toothpick comes out clean. Optional: Divide your prepared cake batter into 4 bowls and tint it using Wilton icing colors.
  2. While the donuts are cooling off on the cooling grid, prepare the melting pot with your preferred colors of candy. Follow the directions included with the melting pot to melt ½ cup of each desired color of candy. Once they have fully melted, add 1 teaspoon of EZ Thin dipping aid and stir well until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Dip each donut into your desired color of melted candy and place on parchment paper, dipped side up.

4. Decorate with icing decorations and Cake Sequins before the candy fully hardens. Refrigerate your creation until it sets, which takes at least 30 minutes.

5. Prepare th Swiss meringue buttercream using this recipe. Using an angled spatula, place a small amount of the buttercream on the back of each donut, then attach the donuts to your cake. Start from the bottom of the cake, then go up to the top edge, allowing each donut to rest on the previous one.

6. Get a decorating bag ready with a 1M tip and fill it with the remaining buttercream. Pipe swirls onto the top of your cake. Top your cake with donuts, directly behind the front donut ‘waterfall’.

7. Finally, add as many Cake Sequins on the sides and top of your cake as you can handle and enjoy!

We want to see your birthday cakes! Share your birthday creations on Instagram and be sure to tag us @wiltoncakes so we can celebrate with you! And don’t forget to visit wilton.com for tons of birthday inspiration and ideas!